It may come as a shock to you that all people do not think and act the same way that you do. In the past year I have encountered a number of family and business relationships that have blown apart over simple misunderstandings that were not checked out before taking offence. Tom, whos a shy chap at heart, firmly believes that actions speak louder than words and has, therefore, been demonstrating his love for Jean by taking her dog to the vet, washing her. The quote reads: ‘Actions speak louder than words’ is the maxim and, if true, the South now distinctly says to the North, ‘Give us the measures, you take the men.

Sadly however, many people do not appear to be aware that making an assumption about what a person is meaning based on their actions, without first checking out what they are saying is equally stupid. If you say that actions speak louder than words, you mean that people show what they really think and feel by what they do, rather than by what they say. Hence, I also firmly believe that actions speak. The only reason behind the famous phrase that action speaks louder than words is the fact that taking action brings the destination closer. In this case, the principle is that it is both naive and dangerous to take someone at his or her word before checking out the person's previous track record. Model Answer 2: Submitted by - Nirav Words convey an offer or invitation for some action whereas performing the action is what completes a task. The old saying that actions speak louder than words is one that, like many of our colloquial sayings, is based on a fundamental truth.